Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Our Daily Bread

The way that God intended, our daily bread sustains us. We are nurtured through sacrifice to be filled and in the process find much joy. Obtaining the fruits of the earth is an amazing gift. They may come after toil and dedication, but the soil has to be prepared the right way to bear these amazing fruits. It is often thrilling to see an abundance of produce that are used for the common good. To mankind this outcome is such an exceptional blessing that comes also in the form of services. As the Good Book says that our bread is more than things, but every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. An Indian spiritual master Sai Baba (1838 -1918) taught, “Life is a song – sing it. Life is a game – play it. Life is a challenge – meet it. Life is a dream – realize it. Life is a sacrifice – offer it. Life is love – enjoy it.” This description constitutes the profundity of our bread of life.

Pureness of Living

A French sculptor and graphic artist Camille Claude (1864 – 1943) explained, “I am in no mood to be deceived any longer by the crafty devil and false character whose greatest pleasure is to take advantage of everyone.” Why don't we then become lights of life? Such spirituality will sustain us with hearts of love. In so doing we will be heading down the road throughout the ages with faithful souls that have traversed and are presently traversing the earth. These individuals have touched the realm of peace, lived and continue to live joyful lives filled with hope and security in Christ. Such saints are blessed souls and not ensnared by the pleasure of spoiled and tainted spiritual food. Superfluous things do not phase them as they keep on moving on to glory, and walk in the spirit as messengers and witnesses in our world.

Keep Moving Forward

Being fed with the right sort of bread, we keep moving forward in our broken world. During their daily walk Christians oft times behold their heart's beauty. We can hear shouts of joy and see their delight when they feed one of the fallen ones. We can spot them visiting the lonely, locked away in nursing and convalescing homes. Through their ministry, they help the weak and feeble of heart by bringing love to their lives. They are not concerned if some in the world view their efforts as defeated and, or failures. To them they are doing God's work - laboring in the fields for the welfare of souls, watering the soil, planting seeds and awaiting the harvest. By their efforts, inseparable bonds are formed and nurtured with the disenchanted. In the right places and with the right people, as architects of change in Christ, they form deep and lasting friendships with the depressed and exploited of the world.

Making Smart Choices

By embracing all peoples, we must face the music and become shields and protectors of God's creation and look out for animals, flora and fauna. In our environment, they are also to be fed and beautified. It was Mahatma Gandhi (1869 -1948) a leader of India's independence movement in British-ruled India that observed, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. I hold that the more helpless a creature the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of humankind.”

Having bread does mean that we must climb every kind of mountain to make life livable for all God's creatures and organisms. For when you think about it - they sustain us with food, clothing, medicine, protection, comfort and pleasure. We must not be phased by alluring desires to exploit these gifts and not build and rekindle them the right way for future generations. In faithfulness, our dreams calls for trusting our God-given instincts to live the best possible lives that we can. After we can glance at our horizon of hope, thank God for his blessings and the bounty that he has so graciously provided for us.

Because of all that we are blessed with, we must continually pray and sing hymns of praise, and Thanksgiving to our Almighty God. It is God in his infinite wisdom that has provided us with such an abundance of excellent breads. We must always remember to glorify Him for His wonderful deeds. It is clear that with nature's amazing diversification, He has provided so much variety of choices that we can only imagine what faith and trust He has in us – the joy of His creation. Such joy climaxes at its pinnacle when on Sundays most Christians participate in the His Feast of Feasts - the Eucharist, at their respective Churches or during home liturgical masses.

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